CPA Exam Advice

Updated: October 13, 2024 You’re our #1 priority.
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Effective CPA Exam Study Schedule

Effective CPA Exam Study Schedule

I was two months into my new accounting job where I sported the glamorous job title of intern and was given the opportunity to utilize my God given skills of data entry.

But honestly, I was just happy to be one of the few people who had a job coming out of college, even if it did pay less than my previous occupations of waiting tables and working construction.

Due to my boss’s demands to complete tasks I had no idea how to do, I was no stranger to working 50+ hours a week. Perfect time to take the CPA exam, right?

Foreign Credentials Evaluation

Foreign Credential Evaluation For The CPA Exam

As an international applicant, you can qualify for a CPA license if you meet specific eligibility criteria. The license, which can be granted by any one of the 55 Boards of Accountancy in the U.S., requires both U.S. citizens and non-citizens to fulfill the 3Es:

5 Great Ways To Increase Your CPA Exam Scores

5 Great Ways To Increase Your CPA Exam Scores

Want to give yourself the edge on the CPA exam? Adding even a few points to your score could mean the difference between passing and failing. Find out a few simple ways you can score higher so you can CRUSH the CPA exam! Click here now for in-depth reviews of CPA prep programs with exclusive promo codes and DISCOUNTS!

Best CPA Exam Tutoring Companies

Best CPA Exam Tutoring Companies

So you want to pass the CPA exam but you’re on a budget? If you can’t afford the hefty $1500-$3000+ price tag of a full review course, consider hiring a CPA exam tutor to help you pass this challenging set of tests on the first try.

4 Excellent Tips to Crush the CPA Exam Simulations

4 Excellent Tips to Crush the CPA Exam Simulations

The Document Review Simulations (DRS), also referred to as SIMs, test your ability to complete a realistic task that simulates something a newly licensed CPA might do on the job.

The simulations are not multiple-choice questions and require you to come up with your own answers to the problems. This part of the exams is heavily weighted and can cripple your score if not approached correctly. Below are 4 tips to help you prepare for the CPA exam Simulations.