CPA Exam Advice

Updated: December 19, 2024 You’re our #1 priority.
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CPA Exam & License Requirements By State

CPA Requirements By State

The requirements to sit for the CPA exam and get licensed vary from state to state.Since CPA certificates and licenses are granted by the individual state accounting boards rather than at a national level, the rules can be a little bit confusing.

CPA Exam Application Process

CPA Exam Application Process

The CPA exam application process varies slightly from state to state, but the majority of the steps are the same. If done properly, you can be approved and scheduled for your first exam within 4-6 weeks.

What Is Your Learning Style

What Is Your Learning Style?

Recognizing your learning style is crucial when searching for a CPA exam prep course that best fits your needs!Students learn through many ways, but there is usually one study technique that they can relate to the most.

CPA Exam Preparation Tips

CPA Exam Preparation Tips

Want some tips on how to pass the CPA exam? These 5 simple but powerful study tips will help you prepare for the CPA exam much more efficiently and with greater focus. With my expert advice, you can get the tools needed so you can CRUSH the CPA exam!

Why is the CPA Exam So Difficult?

Why Is the CPA Exam So Difficult?

Anyone who has failed the CPA Exam has asked why it is so difficult. It’s been ruminated upon by plenty of people in various stages of taking the exam. For our non-accountant friends, the answer makes them then ask why even bother? But truly, why is the CPA Exam so difficult?

is the cpa exam graded on a curve

Is the CPA Exam Graded on a Curve?

The CPA Exam is NOT graded on a curve. Every candidate’s score is entirely independent of those of other candidates. A traditional grading curves compare the candidates to each other and base the scores off of the total pool of test takers.