CPA Exam Blog

What Are the CPA Exam Blueprints

What Are the CPA Exam Blueprints?

One of the most common questions people ask the AICPA is what are these new CPA Exam Blueprints everyone is talking about? Well, since the CPA Exam is changing in April 2017, the whole exam is going to look different and focus on testing higher-order skills. This means there needs to be a new outline for the new exam—the CPA Exam Blueprints.

is the cpa exam graded on a curve

Is the CPA Exam Graded on a Curve?

The CPA Exam is NOT graded on a curve. Every candidate’s score is entirely independent of those of other candidates. A traditional grading curves compare the candidates to each other and base the scores off of the total pool of test takers.

Why is the CPA Exam So Difficult?

Why Is the CPA Exam So Difficult?

Anyone who has failed the CPA Exam has asked why it is so difficult. It’s been ruminated upon by plenty of people in various stages of taking the exam. For our non-accountant friends, the answer makes them then ask why even bother? But truly, why is the CPA Exam so difficult?

alaska cpa exam requirements

Alaska CPA Exam & License Requirements

Do you live in Alaska and want to be a CPA? Learn how to become a CPA in Alaska by fulfilling the education and work experience requirements. Find out how much it costs to register, the educational requirements, and some tips to help you CRUSH the CPA exam!

Arizona State Image

Arizona CPA Exam & License Requirements

Do you live in Arizona and want to be a CPA? Learn how to become a CPA in Arizona by fulfilling the education and work experience requirements. Find out how much it costs to register, the educational requirements, and some tips to help you CRUSH the CPA exam!